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Yourself and whoever raised you, which can be avoided, even if your brought up in a bad way of behaving, you can avoid it, all in all, Your the reason of why you act the way you are.

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Q: Who is responsible for the consequences of your behavior?
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The nervous and endocrine systems are the two systems responsible for controlling behavior.

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Consequences of bad behavior can include damage to relationships, loss of trust, consequences in work or school environments, legal repercussions, and negative impact on mental health and well-being. It can also lead to social isolation and a damaged reputation.

Who is responsible for the financial consequences of a minor's driving?

The legal guardian.

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To effectively address and prevent teenage stealing and lying behavior, parents can establish clear rules and consequences, encourage open communication, and provide positive reinforcement for honesty and responsible behavior. It is important for parents to set a good example and to seek professional help if needed.