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Q: Who is eliable for flu jab?
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What is a flu gab?

The "flu shot" is what an injected immunization using influenza vaccine is called in the US. In the UK, this is better known as a "flu jab". Flu jab may be the term you may have heard spoken and are thinking of. There is no "flu gab" found. The pronunciation of the "j" in flu "jab" is the same as in the word "jump". "Gab" is usually pronounced with the "g" like the "g" in "game".

Advantages of having the flu jab?

The flu vaccination should protect you from getting the flu. The flu vaccine is usually 70% effective.

Can a flu jab affect a pregnancy test?

No way

Can you get a cold when you have had a flu jab?

Yes you can. They are totally different viruses.

Why does the flu jab exist?

For protection against catching and being sick with the flu. See the related question below about how vaccinations work.

How long does the arm ache for after having the swine flu jab?

It hurted for about 3 days for me. But it edventually went away

Can your hip bone hurt after the flu shot?

Typically, no. If you received the IM injection (flu shot/jab) in the muscle of the hip, you might have localized tenderness in the muscle tissue, but not in the bones.

Do you need Swine Flu jab every year?

No, only one time should provide immunity for life. However, in the US for the 2010-2011 flu season, the vaccine for swine flu H1N1/09 is included in the "regular" flu vaccinations. If you had it last year, it won't hurt to have it again.

I had Swine Flu jab December 2009 when pregnant am i still covered?

depends if you got the full regimen, or only one dose. The chances of dying from worry about swine flu is much greater than actually dying from it.

Why doesn't a flu jab protect you for life?

A flu vaccination is only good for the season because the flu virus changes over time. Without getting into the technical details of how it works, a virus can adapt and change over time by gaining new genetic traits, making it a completely different 'virus' that causes the same disease, but is genetically different than the one before it. Because of this, a vaccination of the old flu virus will not last for life. An old flu vaccination will protect against the original, but the new strand is basically 'unknown' to your body and will cause infection.

Does the routine flu jab prevent Swine Flu?

No, vaccination for the seasonal flu will not protect you from the H1N1 (swine) flu. ------------------------- Yes. In the 2010-2011 flu season in the US, the seasonal flu vaccine does contain the H1N1/09 swine flu vaccine along with two other flu viruses. There is no need to get a second flu shot this year like in the 2009-2010 flu season. It won't hurt to get it again if you got it last year or if you had the flu last year. It may even help, especially if you thought you had the H1N1 flu but it was not confirmed to have been that exact type of flu with lab testing at a special lab.