About 1 in every 200 people or so suffers from an eating disorder, most commonly bulimia or anorexia.
It's not an eating disorder 'caused by', but rather 'classified by' and it is known as Bulimia Nervosa. Google it.
bulimia is a eating disorder.ok bulimia is a eating disorder.ok
there are 2 types of bulimia, they are Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Eating Disorder.
From what I understand from many different articles is that Jackie Kennedy not only suffered from anorexia nervosa, but also bulimia nervosa.
No bulimia does not have a incubation period
Yes, Princess Diana did have bulimia.
There is no patron saint of bulimia.
Twiggy had a three-year bout of bulimia
About one percent of women suffer from bulimia
It cant I have bulimia and I m only 14yrs old it started two years ago bulimia is what it is and there can be no argument