Edward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...
he created a vaccination for small pox
he was the discoverer of small-pox vaccination
Diseases are prevented, not cured, by vaccination. Small Pox.
what is the name of the vaccine for small pox
by making a small pox vaccination
the vaccination for small pox
Small pox has been totally eradicated and that vaccine is no longer used.
Edward Jenner. He was testing cow pox (nonfatal) and small pox (fatal). He noticed that whoever had one never had the other, and some had neither. He put both into a boy, and then the boy was not affected by the small pox. Vaccine comes from vaccinia (lation) for "of the cow" because the cow pox stopped the small pox from working.
Vaccination effect of the small pox last for life time. You need to consider vaccinating the whole population against the small pox. It gives some protection against the HIV infection, probably.
They noticed that women who milked cows didn't usually get small pox. The saying was "she has the beautiful skin of a milk maid". They had gotten infected with cow pox. This is closely related to small pox and it will give protection.
Edward Jenner invented inoculations when he was studying small pox and cow pox. http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/nathist/jenner.html
vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner on May 14, 1796