No he doesn't because in all his pictures he didn't have glasses and I don't think glasses where invented back in those early days.
No. Glasses where not invented in those days., and in all his pictures he has no glasses.
Biofocal refers to a type of contact lens design that provides multiple focusing strengths within the same lens. This allows individuals to see clearly at various distances, such as near, intermediate, and far. Biofocal lenses are commonly used to correct presbyopia, a condition that affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects.
Benjamin Franklin invented the well-known lightning rod, the glass armonica (which is a glass instrument; many get this instrument confused with the metal harmonica), the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, and the very flexible urinary catheter. note: Benjamin Franklin never patened his inventions.
Benjamin Franklin invented the bifocals
He invented clocks and watch-glasses
it has, or has it?
check wikipedia
Ernest Calabro The first use of 3D glasses was in 1922 for the movie "Power of Love".
= plastic spectacle Glasses lenses invented 1934 =