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staph infection was first spotted on Abraham Lincoln while he was still president. when the paparazzi found out, they got so grossed out that they didnt want to take pictures of him adn that is why you don't see very many pictures of him.

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It depends on where the source of the infection is. If it is the hip for instance, it might first be mistaken for a badly pulled muscle. After the infection has time to increase and spread other signs like fevers, nausea, and unbearable pain will help the doctors diagnoses.

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Q: Who first discovered the existence of Staph infection?
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What does staff infection look like at first?

It is assumed that the word 'staph' is misspelled in the question. The common symptoms of a staph infection are boils, rashes, cellulite or abcesses. To find out if one has an infection, one should go to the doctor.

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Staph infection is caused by skin to skin contact. It is rare the you could get staph infection from drinking after someone. However, if they touched the glass with their hands where you were drinking, it is possible if they touched their infected wound first.

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If you mean who discovered his existence first, it was Harper Lee.

Does staph infection itch?

I have no medical background at all but have unfotunately had staph infection twice. I dont remember the first time as I was only three years old, however the second time it was extremely itchy. It was located on a finger due to a hangnail so I dont know if placement had anything to do with it. To answer your question, for me it was indeed itchy.

Were does staph come from?

At first staph was supposed to have come from the hospital and you got it by coming into contact with someone that had the infection already. However now you can see staph infection in someone that has not had a stay in the hospital. They come from your skin and typically don't bother you at all. It is bacteria that is normally on your skin and when you get a cut or scratch then it flares up and becomes a problem.

Does staph infection cause hives?

a staph infection may itch at first. It will usually change within two days to a painful sore with pus present. For many people this time period is less, especially if they scratch, but you should absolutely not scratch. This can cause the infection to spread to other areas of the skin or even become systemic which could mean a hospital trip.

Can you get staph infection?

You need to see a doctor and get an antibiotic. Hand washing, change the dressing if it's a wound (ask the doctor HOW and what you should use), just use common sense good hygiene to help the staph resolve. But an antibiotic is your first necessity.

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How can you get staph infections?

You need to see a doctor and get an antibiotic. Hand washing, change the dressing if it's a wound (ask the doctor HOW and what you should use), just use common sense good hygiene to help the staph resolve. But an antibiotic is your first necessity.

How was the existence microbes discovered?

it was first indentified by an tony wan leewenhook in stagnent pond water