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"Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the two main eating disorders. People with anorexia have extreme weight loss as a result of very strict dieting. Some people may also make themselves sick, abuse laxatives or do excessive exercise to try and lose weight. In spite of this extreme weight loss, people with anorexia believe they are fat and are terrified of becoming what is in fact a normal weight or shape. About four out of ten people with fully established anorexia make a full recovery, and others improve. Only about three in ten continue to have major long-term illness. Untreated, about 15 per cent of all sufferers will die from the disorder within 20 years of its onset."

yea but no. Please don't do it's like smoking and then dying but much quicker. If your feeling unconfident just turn to the lord and just ask god to help you and just keep on praying who cares about what other people say just be yourself. Life is short so just live it , the way that's right for you not for someone else like a bully, boyfriend, or someone random

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14y ago
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16y ago

Not very much because they are throwing up the food, not the protein and such. Bulimia really only effects your body and if your goal is losing weight then doesnt do you much good. If you really want to lose weight fast become anerexic. A few straberries a day will keep you losing weight until you die :p lol Or until you stop yourself.

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13y ago

I'm not bulimic but I'm anorexic and I lose about a pound every day. And I have a slow metabolism so if you have a normal or fast one you'll probably lose even more. I thought since bulimia and anorexia are kind of similar I thought I'd post dis. :)

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Lvl 3
1y ago

A person who eats a normal diet and exercises will lose weight at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week. People with bulimia lose weight at a much faster rate, sometimes as much as 10 pounds a week. However, the weight lost will gradually return to normal once the bulimic cycle has been broken and the person has resumed a healthy eating and exercise pattern.

My recommendation:ʜᴛᴛᴘꜱ://ᴡᴡᴡ.ᴅɪɢɪꜱᴛᴏʀᴇ24.ᴄᴏᴍ/ʀᴇᴅɪʀ/413488/ꜱᴜʜᴀʏᴘᴀʙᴅɪʀᴀꜱʜɪᴅ/

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13y ago

as fast as it takes for your teeth to rot.

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Q: Who fast will someone with bulimia lose weight?
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When you have bulimia how fast do you lose weight just curious and do you even lose weight again im just curious?

I have lost 6lb max and have been bulimic for 5 years. It's not a method to 'loose weight', it is something that happens aseemingly invuluntarily.

What is a risky way to lose weight?

Self Starvation--Anorexia Eating then vomiting--Bulimia Overexercising--Exercise bulimia Dieting is a temporary way to lose weight. Talk to your doctor about a diet plan that is right for you.

How else can one lose weight quickly besides bulimia?

You can lose weight by exercising (not too vigorously) and having a well balanced diet

Where can one find out how to lose weight fast?

There are lots of places where someone can go to find out how to lose weight really fast. Some of these places include; Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, YouTube, WebMD, medifast1, and fourhourworkweek.

Can you throw up to lose weight?

Yes, however this is almost never recommended. Vomiting to lose weight is a serious eating disorder called Bulimia.

How can you lose weight fast without losing your butt?

ask someone to watch it for you while you lose weight, sometimes its even better that they just hold onto it for you

If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

What are the symptoms of bulimia?

being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight

What is a eating disorder because vomiting is an effective though dangerous way to lose weight?


How did josh peck lose so much weight?

he went on a great diet called bulimia.

How much weight will you lose after a week of laxatives?

oh, no... you mighht have bulimia or anorexia. dont be obsessed with losing weight by using laxatives, avoiding food, or throwing up. laxatives used to lose weight hurt your body internally. research bulimia or anorexia and learn the facts,and research laxatives. thank you

If someone was wanting to lose weight and wanted to burn fat fast where would someone find information on how to?

It is really important when embarking on a weight loss programme to talk to your doctor first, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. They will advise you on the best and, most importantly, safest way to lose weight and burn fat.