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His name is Ramon/Lovelace anyway Robin Williams does his voice.

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Q: Who does loveless on happy feet?
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Loveless is the penguin's name.

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Lily Loveless's birth name is Lily May Loveless.

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The duration of The Loveless is 1.42 hours.

When was The Loveless created?

The Loveless was created in 1982-03.

How long is the anime loveless?

"Loveless" has 12 episodes .

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It made people feel happy, especially deprived, lonely and loveless men.

When was To the Loveless created?

To the Loveless was created on 2010-05-26.

When was Loveless Cafe created?

Loveless Cafe was created in 1951.

How to use the term 'loveless' in a sentence?

The word loveless is an adjective, meaning without love. An example of a sentence using loveless would be, "After many years of loveless marriage, the couple was finally divorced."

Is George Lopez in Happy Feet?

No he wasn't in Happy Feet.

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