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Q: Who did a study that seemed to suggest that people deprived of REM sleep would become paranoid and seemingly mentally ill from lack of this one stage of sleep?
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What is an analogy for paranoid suspicious?

An analogy for paranoid suspicions could be a person constantly checking their surroundings for hidden cameras, even though there is no evidence to suggest they are being watched.

I want to start an ngo for mentally disabled please suggest me some names?

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What does the Warden suggest Paul do to get rid of Percy?

He suggests a job for him working at a nursing home(mentally infirm institution). Ironically, he ends up in the nursing home (mentally infirm institution).

Is Chuck Barris mentally ill?

I havent found anything to suggest that he is. But i wouldnt be supprised if he is. Hes probablby very eccentric.

Was albert Einstein mentally disturbed in any way?

There is no evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein was mentally disturbed in any way. He was a highly intelligent and creative individual who made significant contributions to the field of physics.

How do animals help you mentally?

It depends what you mean by mentally. Ongoing studies seem to suggest that eating oily fish increases brain power. On the psychological argument - people who keep animals tend to be calmer, and live longer.

40 x 15?

600 Have you no calculator? I suggest you purchase one very soon. I, however, worked this out mentally. Have a good day.

What are some tips for someone who has been deprived of sleep?

Sleep deprivation can lead to some sufferers feeling the need to eat more sugary foods. Sugar should be avoided as it does the sleep deprived patient no good at all. Some websites suggest that the person suffering from sleep deprivation should cut down on their caffeine intake, they should avoid foods and drinks with certain additives and suggest that relaxation tapes might help.

Is Mickey Mouse mentally challenged?

There is no evidence to suggest that Mickey Mouse is mentally challenged. In many of his animated shorts, he shows intelligence and cunning, often tricking Pete. Mickey may speak simply to better connect with his target audience (young children).

How can you suggest dark chocolate is good for sugar complaint patient?

There are dark chocolate products available with very little sugar. Used as rare treats, these may help a patient feel less deprived of little pleasures.

Can people shift into animals mentally?

While some people may experience a mental connection or identification with animals through practices like meditation or visualization, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that people can physically or mentally shift into animals. This concept is typically associated with folklore, mythology, and fiction.

What does the empty cans clatter the loudest mean?

This phrase is often used metaphorically to suggest that those who seem the least important or influential can still make a significant impact or noise. It implies that even something seemingly insignificant can have a noticeable effect.