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it depends on if your obese (which you probably are).. so yea

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12y ago

Newborns have an increased respiratory rate (from about 20-45). This is twice as fast as an adult.

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Q: Who breaths faster an adult or a child?
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What are the ratios for 1 person and 2 person CPR?

For 1-person CPR; Adult, Child, and Infant: 30 compressions : 2 breaths. For 2-person CPR; Adult is: 30 compressions : 2 breaths. For 2-person CPR; Child, and Infant: 15 compressions : 2 breaths.

The cycle of compressions and breaths in CPR for an adult is?

Perform Adult CPR by 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths.

Does a snowboard go faster if a child is on it?

Faster than with no weight on it, yes. Faster than with an adult on it, no.

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What is the proper number of cardiac compression for every 2 breath?

30 compressions per 2 breaths for 1 rescuer adult/child/infant 15 compressions per 2 breaths for 2 rescuer child/infant

How do you give the breaths properly to an adult?

How do you give the breaths properly?

What is the correct ratio for compressions to breaths?

The current ratio for lay persons (not health care providers) is 30 compressions: 2 breaths based on current Canadian standards. Your country may vary! If you happen to be a healthcare provider, you have choices.... but you should know that.

How do you give CPR to victim?

See the related link for how to give CPR to an Adult, Child, or Infant. ECC 2005 standardized the ratio for the lay person to 30 compressions / 2 breaths for an Adult, Child, or Infant.

What is the number of breaths to compressions you give during CPR?

Adult, Child, Infant 1-rescuer CPR is 30 Compressions : 2 Breaths.

How many times an adult breathes in one min?

normal is about 10-20 breaths per minute. If faster or slower, see a doctor

When using a BVM how often do you give breaths?

Breaths don't change when using a BVM; 1 breath every 5 seconds for an Adult & 1 breath every 3 seconds for an Infant & Child.

What are the counts when doing CPR?

30 chest compression then 2 breaths for an adult and 15 chest compression and 1 breath for an infant or child.