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Danny's father's name is shay o donoghue. He was a keyboard player in irish band called the dream. No idea about danny's mom!!

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Has Danny o Donoghue ever been to scotland?

Has Danny o Donoghue ever been to Scotland i don't really think so he might of stayed at Ireland he wasn't Scottish so no

How tall is Danny O donoghue?

Danny Boyle is 56 years old (birthdate: October 20, 1956).

Does Danny o donoghue from the script have any brothers or sisters?

he has 4 brothers and 1 sister and hes the youngest of them all

Is Danny o donoghue gay?

He used to, until he found out that he had a collapsed lung.

What is the name of the lead singer of The Band?

The lead singer from the script is Danny O'Donoghue.

What is Danny o'donghues address?

Type your answer here... Danny o Donoghue lives in Dublin.

Who is Beth donoghue?

Beth Donoghue is sister hotel!

Are or were Danny Jones' parents famous?

Danny Jones's Parents were never Famous but Danny's Mum Kathy is sometimes seen at Mcfly Gigs.

When was Philip Donoghue born?

Philip Donoghue was born in 1971.