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OXy its more powerful and not as expensive as proactive

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Q: Which works best proactive or oxy?
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Does 'proactive' work on bad skin?

I'm 14, and I use proactive. It works for me really well, but that's just me. If you decide to get proactive, I would also get the "extra stuff" that you have to buy separate. The advanced blemish really works

What products will give be the acne free skin?

well the best product that is cheap is noxzema but you could also use proactive which works well

What are some of the best over the counter acne products on the market?

ProActive works very well, you can check out all of their products on their website

Dose proactive really work?

Yes, Proactive works for many people, however some people require prescription medicine.

Which acne remover is better for dark skin clearasil or proactive?

Clearasil works best. I did this for my science experiment on my two cousins they both have really bad acne. Both Proactive, and Clearasil worked great! but if you want fast results Clearasil is better

Can LPG be used as alternative to oxy-acetelene?

LPG is liquid petroleum gas and oxy-acetylene is oxy fuel welding. The LPG can be used as an alternative to oxy-acetylene and is cheaper and can be purchased in bulk. The oxy-acetylene is best used when making shorter, thinner, and faster cuttings.

How do you clean acne marks from skin?

You can use the proactive dark spot correcter. It works very well. The price is around $20 on the proactive website.

What is proactive solution made of?

Proactive solution is made out of several different components, but the main ingredient that works on the acne is the Salicylic Acid, and the Benzoyl Peroxide.

What is the best way to clear acne?


How do you treat teenager acne?

use proactive because it works really well!

How can pimples be treated?

You can use an acne treatment called proactive. I have heard it really works.

What is the most effective medicine for pimples aside panoxyl?

Proactive i swear it actually works