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Q: Which type of turkey meant is made of slow twitch muscle fibers?
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I can only presume you meant "what is muscle in Italian", muscle in Italian is Muscolo

Is COCO-NO also turkey?

My grandfather's nickname was cocono, and my father and others told me it meant baby turkey. EDIT< It is Spanish

What is the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul Turkey?

I think you meant Ayasofya which is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey.

What did they make a muscle car?

If you meant "WHY", because people like performance/power, to increase sales.

It was about the size of a turkey and just about as tasty which may be why it was extinct particularly since its name meant dummy in Portuguese What was it?


What is the contractile tissue of the body?

There is no such thing. Were something non-contractile, it would cease to be called a muscle. You probably meant "What is a contractile muscle structure?" or something similar. There are many such answered questions on here.

What is meant by synthic fiber?

Synthetic fibers are man-made textile materials created from chemical substances. These fibers are engineered to have specific properties, such as durability, strength, and resistance to wrinkles and stains. Common examples of synthetic fibers include polyester, nylon, and acrylic.

What is a fibrobast?

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. However, if you meant fibroblast, it is a type of cell in connective tissue that produces collagen and other fibers. They play a key role in wound healing and tissue repair.

What is the pedoralis?

There is no anatomical structure known as the pedoralis. It is possible that this was a typo or a mispronunciation. If you meant to refer to a specific muscle or body part, please provide additional context so I can offer a more accurate response.

What is the oldest college in Turkey?

Robert college or TED college one of them ---- Robet and TED are highschools and aren't even that old. I believe who asked the question meant university. Istanbul university is the oldest one in Turkey. It was founded in 1453.

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Its a exercise that is very risky that can cause an injury like a broken bone or a sprained bone or a pulled muscle

Do bodybuilders need to use muscle milk?

Muscle milk is a formula that is meant to help your body grow lean muscles. No supplement is required, but some bodybuilders have reported success with muscle milk, either by drinking it before a workout and sometime after, or drinking it before bedtime is also popular.