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Secondary succession occurs most often

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Q: Which type of succession occurs most often and why?
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Related questions

What type of succession occurs in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed?

primary succession

What type of type succession occurs after lava from a volcanic eruption covers an area?

Primary succession occurs, as any life will be incinerated or trapped under solid rock.

When no life exists in an area what type of succession begins?

Primary succession occurs in an area with no soil or organic matter, like an area after a volcanic eruption. Secondary succession occurs where there is already soil.

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In a hereditary monarchy, succession occurs within one family, usually from father to son. It is the most common type of monarchy.

What type of succession occurs after a forested area has been clear cut?


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What type of succession occurs after a natural process such as a volcanic eruption or flood?

Primary succession occurs after a natural process like a volcanic eruption or flood where there is no soil or organic matter left. This type of succession starts from bare rock or sediment and involves pioneer species gradually colonizing and establishing ecosystems over time.

What type of succession is most likely to happen after a Forrest being burned?

Secoundary Succession

What type of succession occurs after a hurricane?

Primary succession occurs after a hurricane, as the entire ecosystem is disrupted and soil is often removed. This type of succession starts from bare rock or sand without any existing soil or vegetation. Over time, pioneer species will colonize the area and gradually create suitable conditions for other plant and animal species to establish.

Which type of succession do the biotic components of a community cause?

The biotic components of a community can cause both primary and secondary succession. Primary succession occurs on bare rock or newly formed land, while secondary succession occurs in areas that were previously inhabited but then disturbed. Both types of succession involve the gradual replacement of species over time in response to environmental changes.

What is the climate zone that occurs most often on southern Europe?

This climate type is known as a Mediterranean climate.