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Q: Which type of stroke is caused when a clot forms?
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What type of patient are TPN given to?

Usually stroke patients, those that have an embolism or clot in a blood vessel of the brain.

Could an atrial septum aneurysm cause a small stroke?

Yes, if the aneurysm produced a clot that traveled to the brain.

What is ischemic stroke?

A "stroke" is an illness of the brain, the equivalent of a heart attack. There are two general types of strokes. An "ischemic" stroke or a "transient ischemic attack" is a blockage of the flow of blood within the brain. This is typically caused by a blood clot within the brain. If small enough, in a "TIA", the clot is washed away or dissolved, with little aftereffects. A larger or longer-lasting blockage can cause substantial death of brain tissue. The other type is a "hemmorhagic" stroke, in which a blood vessel bursts and blood leaks into the brain.

Which is the most common type of stroke in older people occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked?

The most common type of stroke in older people is an ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain. This can lead to brain cell damage due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients. Early recognition and treatment are crucial in improving outcomes for individuals who experience an ischemic stroke.

Why is my dog having stokes?

it depends on what type of stroke it it is. if it is heat stroke it might be caused by being out in the sun for to long. maybe bring it inside. \ POO

Are Heart attacks caused by a blood clot that forms in a coronary artery?

That is one cause. If any blood vessel gets blocked by a blod clot or an air embolism, it can cause a heart attack. The heart can also stop beating if the electrical system gets disrupted due to an electrical shock, or some type of congenital defect in the electrical system.

What are the mechanisms by which strokes occur?

The blockage of an artery in the brain by a clot (thrombosis) is the most common cause of a stroke. The part of the brain that is supplied by the clotted blood vessel is then deprived of blood and oxygen. As a result of the deprived blood and oxygen, the cells of that part of the brain die. Typically, a clot forms in a small blood vessel within the brain that has been previously narrowed due to a variety of risk factors including:high blood pressure (hypertension),high cholesterol,diabetes, andsmoking.ashna and sienna roxIt could also be caused by a hole in the heart which is called a PFO. Then a blood clot can go through the hole and up to the brain. I would know. It happened to me.

Damage to the brain due to a hemorrhage or blood clot?

Hemorrhage or blood clot in the brain can cause a variety of symptoms including headache, weakness, numbness, difficulty speaking, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. Prompt medical attention is necessary to minimize damage and prevent potential long-term complications such as paralysis or cognitive impairment. Treatment may involve medication to address the clot or surgery to remove the hemorrhage.

Why is Tia also known as stroke?

A "TIA" is a form of stroke, but temporary in its effects. Many TIA's over time can have cumulative, deleterious effects in the same way that a single stroke might. "TIA" is an acronym for "Transient Ischemic Accident", as opposed to "CVA" (also known as Cerebrovascular Accident or stroke). There are three classifications of stroke: * Ischemic (isk-HEEM-ik): Caused by a clot or some other type of blockage in an artery. * Intracerebral (in-tra-sa-REE-bral): Caused by rupture of an artery and bleeding into the tissues of the brain. * Subarachnoid (sub-ah-RACK-noyd): Caused by rupture of an artery and bleeding into the lining and space surrounding the brain, rather than the interior tissues.

What is the definition of a hemorrhagic stroke?

a type of stroke caused by blood leaking into or around the brain

Does antiserum A when added to type O blood make blood clot?

No. Type O blood does not have the surface antigen that Type A antisera binds to. Only type A blood will clot when type A antisera is added.

What does the abbreviation CVA mean?

A CVA is a common acronym standing for cerebro-vascular accident another term for a stroke.A stroke is defined as a loss of brain function usually caused by an affect on the flow of blood to the brain. The type main types of CVA/stroke are haemorrhagic stroke and occlusive (blockage) stroke.