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catatonic schizophrenia

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Q: Which type of schizophrenia has the person maintain a rigid pose for hours or days?
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What is rigamorits?

Rigamortis occurs in the hours after death of a person or animal, once a body becomes stiff and rigid rigamortis has occured.

Why do you think a person going to the depths of the sea requires a rigid diving suit instead of a flexible one?

A rigid diving suit provides more protection against the extreme pressure of the deep sea. A flexible suit could compress under the pressure, causing harm to the diver. The rigid suit helps maintain a stable environment for the diver at such depths.

Broad term for a morally rigid person?

A puritan.

How does body building work?

If you maintain a very rigid exercise and diet plan, a person can promote extreme muscle growth together with very low levels of subcutaneous fat, which makes body builders look the way they do.

What is the difference between blimps and dirigibles?

Blimps are non-rigid airships with an envelope that maintains their shape, while dirigibles are semi-rigid or rigid airships with a structure inside the envelope to maintain their shape. Dirigibles are typically larger and have more internal structure for support and control.

The English concluded from their colonial experiences in Ireland that?

English colonists should maintain a rigid separation from the indigenous population

What would a strict person do?

Be very rigid about rules and regulations.

Is rigid a noun?

No, "rigid" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes something is stiff, inflexible, or unyielding.

Why do you deal with rigid body?

Rigid bodies are used in physics simulations to model objects that maintain their shape and do not deform. By using rigid bodies, we can simplify the calculations involved in simulating the movement and interactions of objects in a virtual environment. This allows for more efficient simulations and realistic behavior of objects in simulations.

What is insulated rigid tank?

An insulated rigid tank is a type of container used to store and transport liquids or gases, such as chemicals or fuel. It is designed with a rigid structure for durability and insulation material to maintain the temperature of the contents. These tanks are commonly used in industries where temperature control is critical for the stored materials.

Why is the sclera tough and rigid?

The sclera is tough and rigid because it is primarily composed of collagen fibers, which provide structural support and protection to the eyeball. This toughness helps maintain the shape of the eye and protects the delicate structures within it.

A cell having a precise unchanging shape is likely?

A plant cell, as it has a rigid cell wall that helps maintain its shape.