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Muscles are made up of fibers of protein so they use protein to make up damage tissues

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Q: Which type of molecules does the body use to build and repair muscle tissue?
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Which type of molecules does the body use to build and repair?

Proteins are used to build and repair muscle tissue

Which type of molecule doe sthe body use to build and repair muscle tissue?

When one tears it muscles while working out in the gym or carrying something heavy, the muscle tissue will break. After it breaks, muscle tissue will slowly repair, piece by piece. And thus, after a day or two, the muscle will recover, if not, see a doctor. ATTENTION: IT CAN BE DANGEROUS.

What is nutrient that help repair and build body tissue?


Does protein build and repair muscles?

Helps your muscles to build an recover

When does the body build muscle?

After you work out, you rip muscle tissue and your body builds the muscle back. Thus, forming muscle on top of muscle.

What basic nutrient is essential for tissue building and repair?

protein is essential to build n repair tissues

The use of alcohol build up fatty tissue in the heart muscle?


Essential nutrient used to build and repair body cells and cells?

Proteins are essential nutrients that are used to build and repair body cells. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins and are necessary for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Including a variety of protein sources in your diet is important for meeting your body's needs for this essential nutrient.

What are the best diet and exercise plans to build muscle?

Any diet that you go on to gain muscle should include a lot of protein. Protein will help build and repair muscles after you work out. P90x is a good workout plan to build muscle.

WhAt type of reaction is building muscle tissue?

In physiology any process that builds up a tissue (whether it be muscle or bone or fat etc.) is called anabolic (as in "anabolic steroids", which build muscle). The opposite is catabolic, which refers to those processes that break down tissue.

Do you need carbs to make muscle?

Short answer: Yes Long answer: I suppose it depends on the way you look at it. Muscle tissue is technically made pretty much of protein. However, if by make muscle you mean workout and build it, you will need carbohydrates to carry out the exercise, and carbohydrates are needed to make the energy for the process of protein synthesis and muscle building/repair.

The combination of simple molecules into more complex molecules to help an organism build more tissue?

This process is known as anabolic metabolism. It involves using energy to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones, enabling the organism to grow and repair tissues. An example is the synthesis of proteins from amino acids in the body.