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Mexican tree chical

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Q: Which tree sap was chewed to keep teeth white?
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What type of tree sticks do San people use to clean their teeth?

San people often use the fibrous twigs of the toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica) to clean their teeth. The twigs have natural antimicrobial properties and can be chewed to form bristles for cleaning teeth.

Which of all species of bats has the fewest teeth?

blind bats....loll they keep smacking into tree's

What toys keep gerbils teeth short?

Paper and cardboard that you have at home is good as well as fruit tree branches like apple tree branches. You can also but chew toilets from shops. These are usually made of wood or rope and there are best to keep gerbils teeth short.

Is a macaroni tree made out of real macaroni?

Yes, and gum tree's are made of chewed up gum

What adaptations does a beaver use to chew through a tree?

the beavers teeth would get so long if they din't bite something so thats why when ever you see a beaver its chewing on a tree. They do that to keep their teeth short

In the movie Christmas Vacation What gets electrocuted in the Christmas tree?

Aunt Bethany's cat was electrocuted when it chewed through the Christmas lights on the tree.

Did the Vikings brush their teeth?

Not the way we do. They used willow twigs and beech tree twigs to clean the teeth. Actually, they work pretty well because there is a chemical in them that does well when chewed and helps the teeth. There are people today who still use this old method. They don't need too either, we brought teeth brushing on ourselfs by eating and drinking sugary foods and drinks, bread helps break down plaque. The method above would be reccomended to a peasant and it helped keep their breath fresh. A wife could devorse a man for having bad breath!

How do raccoons keep from being eaten?

Their first line of defense is to escape, usually by climbing a tree. Failing that, they do have sharp teeth and claws and will use them for defense.

Did Abraham chop down a tree for teeth?

I dont think so i thourt he used abraham charp down tree with his teeth that wheard:(

Can a fig tree survive if the bark has been chewed by mice?

If a fig tree's bark has been ate off by mice then it will not beable to survive because it has nothing to survive off of.

What is a white walnut tree called?

A white walnut tree is commonly known as a butternut tree. Its scientific name is Juglans cinerea.

How do san people clean their teeth?

to clean their teeth they chew on soft tree sticks.