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is drotin tablet used for pain killer of stomach ache

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Related questions

What are antacids?

they are a tablet liquid or chewable tablet that people take for relief of pain such as heartburn or indegestion. they neutralise the acid in your stomach.

How strong is the acid left in your stomach after taking an indigestion tablet?

Weak because the indigestion is the acid rising and hurting a sensative part of you stomach, so the indigestion tablet weakens the acid so that the acid isn't dissolving and causing pain to your stomach.

What's the use of unienzyme tablet?

Unienzyme Digestive Tablet is used to treat bloating, discomfort, and pain caused by stomach gas. It is a digestive enzyme used to digest food.

When to eat pudin hara tablet?

In case you have eaten lots of spicy food and feel uneasy in the stomach and pain in the stomach you can have one pearl of Pudin Hara. it also relieves gas and acidity problems.

How can indigestion be relived by antacids?

The way you get stomach pain is by your hydrochloric acid inside your stomach has a too low pH. If you want your stomach pain to leave you, you need to make the pH of your hydrochloric acid rise one or two on the pH scale, so you add a tablet which is made with alkalies also known as antacids

How is call a pain in stomach?

Stomach pain.

Best pain killer for stomach pain?

stomach pain in near testis

How does tablet work?

There is two types of acidity in the world Bases and Acids when you stomach has heartburn or hurts that is because the stomach is too Acid and when you apply a base to a acid the neutralize out and cancel each other. This is how stomach tablets work they basically neutralize the acid in your stomach to stop the pain. Hope This Helped :]

What is use of tablet sirileft 25mg?

Recently i use that tablet bcoz i have diseact of stomach...

How much stomach acid can one antacid tablet neutralize?

The amount of stomach acid neutralized by one antacid tablet varies depending on the brand and formulation of the tablet. On average, an antacid tablet can neutralize around 20-50 milliequivalents of stomach acid. It is important to follow the dosing instructions provided on the product packaging to ensure proper neutralization of stomach acid.

What is Rabalkem 20 tablet used for?

Rabelkem is used for acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, esophagitis, and pain due to pressure on the stomach. It comes in 10 and 20 milligram doses.

What kind of doctor treats the stomach pain?

A gastroenterologist treats stomach pain.