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Its the Nervous system.

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Q: Which system helps us to feel things?
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Which sense organ helps us to feel things?

The nervous system helps your body to sense things around it by taking in input from receptor cells, which sense things, and transmit these signals at super-fast speeds to your brain, which processes the signals. These signals are then sent back through the nervous system to muscle cells or another form of output, such as salivary glands.

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shape, support, and internal organsThe muscular system helps to hold our bones together and allows us to move our bones to be able to walk and manipulate things with our hands. Muscles (diaphragm) helps us breath, the heart pumps blood.

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it helps us by all the things it does for example it helps us out by punishing criminals and other things you just got to look up the things judicial branch do for us.:) hope i got this right

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The Dialogue allows us to hear what the characters feel and think. Hope this helps :)

How does the teddy bear help us?

It Helps To Develope Our Interpersonal Skills. Meaning, It Helps Us To Interact With Others And To Feel Safe.

What are the five sense of organs?

The importance is that it helps us in many ways .the eye helps us to see ,the nose helps us to smell , the ear helps us to hear , the tongue helps us to taste and the skin helps us to touch (feel).it is also important because it helps us not only to be aware of our surroundings but also helps us to find out the dangers around us.

What organ helps us to see things around us?

Your eyes..

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