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Q: Which syndrome does this unborn have?
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If you have Antiphospholipid Syndrome and you are wanting to use a surrogate mother can you pass it on to the surrogate mother?

No, you cannot pass Antiphospholipid syndrome to a surrogate mother who is carrying your baby. You can pass it onto your unborn baby though.

What are the effects of drinking while pregnant to a developing fetus?

Look up Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.... alcohol can have devastating effects on an unborn child.....don't chance it.

Can you pass parvovirus to unborn puppies?

According to the NHS Direct website, the parvovirus (slapped cheek syndrome) cannot be passed from human to animal or vice versa. See their website.

Why is it bad to get drunk during pregnancy?

Because drinking alcohol while pregnant can cause a variety of problems with the unborn baby. One of the worst problems that it can cause is fetal alcohol syndrome. It is not known how much or how little alcohol can cause problems in an unborn baby so it is recommended not to drink any!

What happens to the baby of a pregnant women who drinks alcohol?

the unborn baby of the mother who drinks absorbs all the alcoghol and it deters its developemnent and the baby is diagnosed with F.A.S or fetal alcohol syndrome and is uncureable.

Why would you need to check an unborn baby for Down syndrome?

Because some doesn't want to keep it if it has it. It is not like raising a ordinary child but this one will have special needs.

What do you call an unborn horse?

an unborn horse fetus, just like an unborn human fetus.

How can Alport syndrome be prevented?

Since it is possible to determine if a woman is a carrier, or if an unborn child has the condition, genetic counseling can provide helpful information and support for the decisions that affected individuals and their families may have to make.

Who is the unborn?

The unborn are babies that have not been born yet.

Which is scarier the unborn or paranormal activity?

Definitely the unborn.

When can Down Syndrome be detected?

A new test has been developed, called FASTER (First and Second Trimester Evaluation Risk), with which Down syndrome will be able to be detected during the first trimester of the pregnancy - about 11 weeks after conception - with 87% accuracy.

What if your unborn granddaughter has scimitar syndrome her heart is on the right side and her right lung is small could she survive with only one lung?

Many people survive with one lung, or even one side of the diaphram.