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Stage 1

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Tara S

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Kylee Hasch

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8y ago

stage 2.

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13y ago

REM Sleep = Rapid Eye Movement Sleep

NREM Sleep = Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep

During sleep, the body cycles between non-REM and REM sleep. Typically, people begin the sleep cycle with a period of non-REM sleep followed by a very short period of REM sleep.

The period of NREM sleep is made up of stages 1-4. Each stage can last from 5 to 15 minutes. A completed cycle of sleep consists of a progression from stages 1-4 before REM sleep is attained, then the cycle starts over again.

  • Stage 1: Polysomnography (sleep readings) shows a reduction in activity between wakefulness and stage 1 sleep. The eyes are closed during Stage 1 sleep. One can be awakened without difficulty, however, if aroused from this stage of sleep, a person may feel as if he or she has not slept. Stage 1 may last for five to 10 minutes. Many may notice the feeling of falling during this stage of sleep, which may cause a sudden muscle contraction (called hypnic myoclonia).
  • Stage 2: This is a period of light sleep during which polysomnographic readings show intermittent peaks and valleys, or positive and negative waves. These waves indicate spontaneous periods of muscle tone mixed with periods of muscle relaxation. The heart rate slows and the body temperature decreases. At this point, the body prepares to enter deep sleep.
  • Stages 3 and 4: These are deep sleep stages, with stage 4 being more intense than Stage 3. These stages are known as slow-wave, or delta, sleep. If aroused from sleep during these stages, a person may feel disoriented for a few minutes.
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12y ago

Nrem (n1, n2, n3)

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Cadence Scott

Lvl 1
3y ago
which one is it?

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10y ago

Stage 4, deep sleep

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Lvl 1
3y ago
stupid this is wrong

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Lvl 1
3y ago

It's not stage 4 it seems stage 1

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Q: Which stage of sleep comes before REM sleep?
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What sleeping stage comes before REM stage?

Nrem (n1, n2, n3)

What stage is REM sleep?

REM is during stage 3 and 4 where most of the dreaming occurs.

When you go to sleep you begin with stage 1 then Stage 2 then Stage 3 and then 4 what is the next stage?

You return to stage 3, then stage 2 (delta sleep) before going to REM sleep (stage 5).

When you go to sleep you begin with Stage 1 then Stage 2 then Stage 3 and then Stage 4 What is the next stage?

You return to stage 3, then stage 2 (delta sleep) before going to REM sleep (stage 5).

When you go to sleep you begin with stage 1 then stage 2 then stage 3 and then stage 4 . What is the next stage?

You return to stage 3, then stage 2 (delta sleep) before going to REM sleep (stage 5).

What stage of sleep come after REM stage?

Stage 1

What stage of sleep is insomnia?

none. if you can not sleep then you suffer from insomnia. The most restful sleep comes during the R.E.M. stage known as rapid eye movement. This is the stage you dream in. It takes about 2 hours to reach REM sleep.

What is REM when you are sleep?

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and signifies the deepest stage of sleep.

Is sleep stage of sleep referred to as deep sleep?

There are 4 stages of sleep: Stage 1, Stage 2, Slow wave sleep, and REM. The stages occur in that order. Stage 1 occurs as you are falling asleep, and REM occurs last and contains the craziest dreams. REM is the most difficult to awaken from, so it is likely the stage that you have heard referred to as 'deep sleep'.

What is the deepest stage of sleep?

The deepest stage of sleep is REM or Rapid Eye Movement.

How did REM start?

There are five stages of sleep. Stage 1 being the one you first enter, then followed by stage 2, 3 and 4. As you descend into deeper sleep your brain frequency slows down. In stage 4 can it be slower than one cycle per second (delta sleep). After some time spent in stage 4, about 25 minutes, you return to stage 3 and 2, then straight into REM sleep. About 90 minutes has passed now since you started sleeping. 5-10 minutes is spent in this stage before you go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep). When approximately 90 minutes have again passed, another REM-period start. This time the REM sleep lasts longer. And as time progresses less time in non-REM sleep is needed and more time is spent in REM sleep. After 4-5 hours you don't go lower than stage 2. Vivid dreaming takes place in REM sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time is spent in REM.

How do you know when someones in an rem sleep?

You will know when someone is in REM sleep when there eyes-lids are moving really fast back and forward. REM sleep is a sleep that is after your first 4 stages of sleep and is the stage of sleep that you dream.