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sciatic nerve

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Q: Which spinal nerve is likely damaged if you see a patient with a shuffling gait?
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What happens when the spinal cord is damaged?

When your spinal cord is damaged you may not be able to walk

Can you get a spine transplant?

Not currently - bones are not transplanted these days, since they have artificial replacements instead, which are easier to apply than a "transplant" would be. Plus the spine is home to the "spinal column" - a collection of nerves that if damaged will cause paralysis. It's not possible to transplant a spine without the spinal column, which means that the new spinal column would have to be joined "damage free" into the patient. This would actually be impossible to do with no damage occurring to the nerves whatsoever, which would mean that the patient had a high likely hood of waking up fully paralysed. This is why spinal transplants are not performed.

Are you going to die if a bone in the spinal cord is damaged?

Though everyone will die someday a damaged bone in the spinal cord is not necessarily terminal.

How might stem cells help when the spinal cord is damaged?

The stem cell uses the special regenerative cells which will help when the spinal cord is damaged.

What happens to my body if my spinal cord is damaged?


What risk does an orchiectomy patient have when an epidural is used?

If the patient is having epidural anesthesia, the risks include bleeding into the spinal canal, nerve damage, or a spinal headache.

What would happen to you if the middle of your spinal cord was damaged?

you will be paralized

Are spinal nerves able to repair themselves after being damaged?


Describe nursing management of a patient with post spinal anaesthesia?

nursing management for spinal anesthesia

What part of the nervous s ystem is not working if you are paralyzed?

Usually the spinal chord has been damaged.

What does it mean when a patient won't open their eyes or speak after a Spinal Operation?

it means the patient is paralized

What part of the body is damaged if you are paralized?

Usually, it'll be in the spinal column.