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You are thinking of the arms and legs which are called the extremities.

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appendicular skeleton

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Q: Which skeleton consists shoulder bones arms hips legs?
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Do the axial bones consist of the lower bones while appendicular consists of upper body bones?

No, the axial skeleton consists of bones along the central axis of the body, including the skull, vertebrae, and ribcage. The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as the shoulder and pelvic girdles.

What are the components of ther appendicular skeleton?

The bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body, called axial skeleton. it has 3 main parts , skull, vertebral column and the bony thorax. Appendicular skeleton consists with bones of the limbs and girdles. ( upper limbs, lower limbs, pelvic girdle and shoulder girdles)

Does axial skeleton includes bones of the arm?

No, the axial skeleton does not include bones of the arm. The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. The bones of the arm, including the humerus, radius, and ulna, are part of the appendicular skeleton.

Is maxilla part of the appendicula skeleton?

No, the maxilla is part of the axial skeleton, specifically the skull. The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the limbs and the shoulder and pelvic girdles.

What are the 2 major segments of the skeleton?

The two groups of the human skeletal system are axial skeleton (bones of the head, spine, ribs and breastbone) and appendicular skeleton (bones of the limbs, pelvis, shoulder blades and collar bones).

Is the carpals in the axial skeleton?

No, the carpals are part of the appendicular skeleton, which includes the bones of the upper limbs (arms) and lower limbs (legs). The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage.

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the what?

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the limbs (arms and legs), the shoulder girdle, and the pelvic girdle. It provides support and facilitates movement of the body.

What are two major types of skeletons?

the AXIAL skeleton, which makes up the bones of the thorax, spinal column, and skull. and the APPENDICULAR skeleton, which includes the bones of the arms, legs, shoulder girdles, and pelvis.

What bones are a part of the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton includes bones of the limbs and girdles. This consists of the bones of the arms (humerus, radius, ulna), legs (femur, tibia, fibula), hip bones (ilium, ischium, pubis), and shoulder bones (scapula, clavicle).

What are the two main parts of the skeleton and what is each part comprised of?

The two main parts of the skeleton are the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage, while the appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the limbs, shoulder girdle, and pelvic girdle.

What is the job of the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton is responsible for providing structural support and enabling movement of the limbs. It includes the bones of the arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulder girdle. These bones work together to facilitate tasks like walking, running, and grasping objects.

There Are two major systems of bones in your body one is axial skeleton?

The axial skeleton is made up of your skull, vertebral column, rib cage, sacrum and coccyx. The appendicular skeleton is made up of all the bones in your arms and legs as well as your shoulder blade, collarbone, and hip bones (pelvic girdle).