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GAS principle

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Q: Which principle states that you all undergo stress in three stages?
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Which ISSA principle states that you all undergo stress in three stages?

the GAS principle

What principle states that we all undergo stress in three stages shock compensation and exhaustion?

The GAS Principle, stands for General Adaptation Syndrome

What are the three predictable stages of stress that were identified by Hans Selye in his GAS principle?

Shock, compensation and exhaustion

This principle states that in order for gains to continue the intensity of the stress imposed must be progressively increased?

The Overload Principle

What are called principle planes and principle stress?

The principle stress is a maximum tension stress in a body where shear stress is zero and it acts on the principle plane. If a body is under both tension and shear then the principle stress is higher than the initial tension stress. You can calculate this and find the principle plane angle using Mohr Circle analysis or equations.

What principle states that in order for gains to continue the intensity of the stress imposed must be progressively increased?

the GaAs principal

Which principle states that a greater-than-normal stress load on the body is needed for the body to adjust to training?


What is a Le Chatelier's Principle State?

Le Chatelier's Principle states that a system at equilibrium will respond to stress by shifting in a direction that minimizes the effect of the stress. This means that when a change is made to a system at equilibrium (such as temperature, pressure, or concentration), the system will adjust in order to restore equilibrium.

What does Le Chatelier's principal state?

Le Chatelier's principle states that when a system in equilibrium is subjected to a stress, it will adjust in a way that reduces the effect of that stress and restores equilibrium. The stress can be a change in temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants or products.

When a change is introduced to a system in equilibrium the equilibrium shifts in the direction that relieves the stress on the system is known as?

Le Chatelier's Principle. This principle states that when a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change, it will adjust to counteract the change and restore equilibrium.

What does Le Ch and Atilde and centtelier's principle state?

Le Chatelier's principle states that a system at equilibrium will respond to stress by shifting to minimize the effect of the stress and re-establish equilibrium. This means that if a system is subjected to a change in concentration, temperature, or pressure, it will adjust its composition to counteract the change.

Can rock undergo compression tension and shear stress?

yes it can