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Q: Which philosophy believed it was important to completely control one's passions and emotions?
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What philosophy believed it was important to completely control one's passions and emotions?


This philosophy believed it was important to completely control ones passions and emotions?

Stoicism is the philosophy that prioritizes the control of one's passions and emotions. It teaches individuals to detach themselves from external events and focus on what they can control, leading to inner tranquility and self-mastery.

What has the author Simo Knuuttila written?

Simo Knuuttila has written: 'Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy' -- subject(s): Ancient Philosophy, Emotions (Philosophy), History, Medieval Philosophy

What is the difference between science and philosophy as regard to emotions?

Philosophy can have the luxury of emotions as is evident from the fact that poetry is a kind of philosophy. But science is not permitted to wallow in emotions. It is meant to be impartial and unemotional like mathematics.

What has the author Peter Goldie written?

Peter Goldie has written: 'The emotions' -- subject(s): Emotions (Philosophy) 'Who's Afraid of Conceptual Art?' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Art, Conceptual art, Aesthetics 'The Oxford handbook of philosophy of emotion' -- subject(s): Emotions (Philosophy)

What does having a stoic philosophy mean?

Stoicism was a philosophical movement in the Hellenistic period. Stoics believed that emotions such as fear and envy were the result of false judgements, and that a sage would not encounter these problems.

What is stoicism?

The philosophy of stoicism as espoused by the Greeks (notably Zeno, 334 BC-262 BC) saw negative emotions as failures to act with wisdom and virtue. They believed that virtue and ethics were features of nature, and that self-control and reason were important to attaining well-being and happiness.The modern description of a stoic reflects one general principle of Stoicism : the avoidance of destructive emotions (fear, hate, envy). This is sometimes simplified to be controlling allstrong emotions, regardless of their source.

Which branch of philosophy is most closely related to the emotions of a person?


What is primary emotions?

Primary emotions are basic emotions that are believed to be universal across cultures and are thought to be directly related to specific survival functions. These include emotions like fear, anger, joy, sadness, and surprise. Primary emotions are considered to be innate and serve an important role in helping individuals adapt and respond to their environment.

What was part of the philosophy of Stoicism?

Self-control and fortitude to overcome destructive emotions.

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Phil Hutchinson has written: 'There is no such thing as a social science' -- subject(s): Philosophy and social sciences 'Shame and philosophy' -- subject(s): Shame, Emotions (Philosophy)

What has the author Anastasia Philippa Scrutton written?

Anastasia Philippa Scrutton has written: 'Thinking through feeling' -- subject(s): Emotions (Philosophy), Emotions, Christianity