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The first step in digestion occurs in the mouth where enzymes in the saliva begin to break down food ready for the stomach.

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Q: Which parts of the system started the digestion?
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Which parts of the digestive system aid in chemical digestion?

Is the stomach but begins in the mouth.

What parts of the nervous system controls digestion?

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for digestion. The GI tract is innervated by the Gastric nerve, otherwise known as the Vagus nerve.

What are the major body parts of chemical digestion?

the major part of the chemical digestion is the HCL (hydro chloric acid)

What category is the digestive system in?

Digestive system is taking food an breaking it down for digestion. Digestion of food has many parts, teeth, tongue, stomach, intestines, salivary glands, pancreas and live.

What is the purpose of digestion'?

The purpose of digestion is to digest food and absorb the energy from the food. Also some parts of the digestive system also helps you to remove wastes from the body. ;)

Why do you suppose many different structures are needed by the digestion system?

Many different structures are needed by the digestive system to function different parts of the digestive system.

What are two parts of digestion?

mechanical and chemical digestion

Where is the digestion system located at?

The digestive system is a large system and takes up space from the mouth to the pelvis. Different parts of the digestive system are located in different regions of the body.

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The digestive system has various parts each with its function. Producing bile is the main purpose of liver. The bile emulsifies fats to aid digestion in the small intestine.

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How long is the digestion system in meters?

The digestion system is about 6.5meters long in an average adult male.