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the lungs

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Related questions

What are the upper part of respiratory system?

Well the upper respiratory system consists of just the nose, pharynx, and larynx.

What is the two main division of the respiratory system?

lower and upper respiratory system

What are the two medical specialist for the respiratory system?

Pulmonologists treat the lower respiratory system, and otolargyngologists treat the upper respiratory system.

What is the primary responsibility of the upper respiratory tract?

The upper respiratory system removes gross particles from the air, warms and humidifies it, and passes it to the lower respiratory system.

What is a cold?

it is an infection of the upper respiratory system.

What system is the Eustachian tubes in?

It is involved in the upper respiratory system.

What part of the respiratory system does asthma usually attack?

the upper respiratory track

What system does the vocal cords belong to?

upper respiratory tract

Do the nose and throat make up the lower respiratory system?

No, the nose and throat are the upper respiratory system; they are above the lungs (when you are standing up).

What part is the upper part of the respiratory system?


Which organs make up the upper respiratory system?

The upper respiratory system consists of the nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx (throat), and larynx (voice box). These organs primarily function to filter, humidify, and warm the air that is breathed in before it reaches the lower respiratory system.

Which body system which includes the epiglottis trachea and bronchi?

The upper respiratory tract.