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The middle ear.The middle ear consists of the ossicles that are made up of the hammer,anvil,and stirrup

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Q: Which part of the ear is commonly known as the anvil?
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What part of the body is the anvil in?

The Anvil is a bone in the inner ear. It is one of the 3 smallest bones in the body.

In what part of your body would you find a hammer and an anvil?


In what part of your body would you find a hammer and anvil?


Which body organ has the three bones known as the hammer anvil and stirrups?

The ear has three bones known as the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus), and stirrup (stapes). These bones are located in the middle ear and are essential for hearing and transmitting sound vibrations to the inner ear.

What part of the body will you find the stirrup anvil and hammer?

Ear canal

Where is the Stapedius?

middle ear In your ear, it is the smallest muscle in the human body, it stabilizes the smallest bone in your body the 'Stapes.'

What does not belong in the grouping hammer anvil pinna stirrup?

Hammer does not belong in the group as it is not an anatomical part of the ear like anvil, pinna, and stirrup are.

Where are the smallest bones in your body?

The three smallest bones in the human body are the auditory ossicles found in the middle ear - they are the malleus, stapes, and incus. More commonly known as the hammer, stirrup, and anvil.

Is there a bone in the body called the anvil?

Yes, the anvil is in the middle ear.

Are auditory receptor cells located in the anvil?

No, auditory receptor cells are not located in the anvil. Auditory receptor cells are located in the inner ear, specifically in the cochlea, where they are responsible for converting sound waves into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain for processing. The anvil, also known as the incus, is one of the three tiny bones in the middle ear that help transmit sound from the outer ear to the inner ear.

What do the hammer anvil and stirrup do?

the anvil stirrup and hammer are the tiniest bones in our body and our found in the ear. when sound travels through our ear the anvil stirrup and hammer vibrate

What does the hammer anvil and stirrup do?

the anvil stirrup and hammer are the tiniest bones in our body and our found in the ear. when sound travels through our ear the anvil stirrup and hammer vibrate