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Q: Which organs will be infected first when someone breathes in the TB bacteria?
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Related questions

What organs are infected by hiv?

Only humans can get the disease.

Does every living thing need organs?

No. Bacteria don't have organs.

Why bacteria cannot have organs?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms without complex internal structures like organs. They lack specialized tissues and organ systems found in multi-cellular organisms because they are unicellular and have a simple structure with no need for organs to carry out their basic functions.

Are all living things made of organs?

No. Cells and bacteria are not made of organs.

Can you donate human organs after being biten by a posinous animal and dying?

Not if the venom is still in you. The organs have to be healthy, but if they are infected, then no...

What can affect organs?

Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, yeasts or parasites can affect organs.

What organs are infected by AIDS?

the brain, lungs, liver, intestines, nervous system,

What system gets rid of bacteria and viruses?

The organs of the immune system fight viruses and bacteria.

How does acinetobacter baumannii reproduce?

Acinetobacter baumannii typically reproduces through binary fission, a form of asexual reproduction in which the bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. This process allows the bacterium to multiply rapidly under favorable conditions.

Do bacteria have a organelle?

Bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells, but they do have various structures that perform similar functions, such as ribosomes for protein synthesis and flagella for movement. They have a nucleoid region where their genetic material is located.

What organs are infected by the types of flukes?

There are many types of flukes for different animals. In humans, we can be infected with a couple of types of liver flukes, a lung fluke, and blood flukes.

How does bacteria cause diseases in animals?

get inside and messes up organs