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Q: Which organ of the body often damage permanently by rheumatic fever?
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What is differences between Rheumatoid disease and Rheumatic fever?

The difference between rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis is that rheumatic fever affects the kidneys and heart and is typically caused by strep throat. Rheumatoid arthritis is arthritis.

What does yellow fever damage?

Transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever is a tropical viral disease that damages the liver and kidneys by causing fever and jaundice. Yellow fever is often fatal.

What is the cause of Tricuspid valve stenosis?

is most often the result of rheumatic fever. On rare occasions, it is caused by a tumor or disease of the connective tissue. The rarest cause is a birth defect.

What part of your body does yellow fever damage?

yellow fever is characterized by high fever, jaundice, and often gastrointestinal hemorrhaging...

What type of pathogen is rheumatic fever?

Rheumatic fever is caused by an abnormal immune response to a prior infection with Streptococcus bacteria, particularly Streptococcus pyogenes. It is categorized as an autoimmune disease, where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy body tissue, specifically the heart, joints, skin, and brain.

Can hot styling tools permanently damage hair?

yes an can damage the tips of your hair and split them, it only permanetly damages your hair if the hair splits all the way to the roots of your hair :) you will only get damage if you use them very often :)

Sydenham chorea?

DefinitionSydenham chorea is a movement disorder that occurs with rheumatic fever.Alternative NamesSt. Vitus danceCauses, incidence, and risk factorsSydenham chorea is one of the major signs of acute rheumatic fever. It is discussed here separately because it may be the only sign of rheumatic fever in some patients.Sydenham chorea occurs most often in girls before puberty, but may be seen in boys.SymptomsChanges in handwritingJerky, uncontrollable, and purposeless movements in different muscle groups (looks like twitching)Loss of fine motor control, especially of the fingers and handsLoss of emotional control, with bouts of inappropriate crying or laughingSymptoms of rheumatic fever (see acute rheumatic fever)Signs and testsThere may be a history of sore throat for several weeks before Sydenham chorea.Blood tests that may show signs of rheumatic fever include erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).Different blood tests may be done to identify whether the child may have a strep infection.TreatmentAntibiotics are given against streptococci, the bacteria that cause rheumatic fever. The health care provider may prescribe preventive antibiotics (antibiotic prophylaxis).Supportive care is given as necessary to control symptoms of Sydenham chorea, especially the constant movements. Sedation may be advised in severe cases.Expectations (prognosis)Sydenham chorea usually clears up in a few months. In rare cases, an unusual form of Sydenham chorea may begin later in life.ComplicationsNo complications are expected.Calling your health care providerCall your health care provider if your child develops uncontrollable or jerky movements, especially if the child has recently had a sore throat.PreventionPay careful attention to children's complaints of sore throats and get early treatment to prevent acute rheumatic fever. If there is a strong family history of rheumatic fever, be especially watchful, because your children may be more likely to develop this infection.ReferencesGerber MA. Group A streptococcus. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 182.

Which permanently damages a computer component damage caused by ESD or damage caused by EMI?

Damage caused by electrostatic discharge (ESD) is more likely to permanently damage a computer component as it can often cause immediate and irreparable harm to sensitive electronic parts. While damage from electromagnetic interference (EMI) can also affect computer components, it is usually more temporary and can be mitigated by proper shielding or grounding techniques.

What is considered the most severe a throat infection or strep throat?

These are often the same thing: bacterial growths of the genus Streptococcus are a potentially severe form of throat infection (pharyngitis). However, most cases of strep throat are not serious. They are usually treated to avoid complications such as rheumatic fever.

How often should a 15 week old puppy walk?

They should only have really short walks because their bones are still forming and over-exercise could damage them permanently.

What is reumatic fever?

Strep pyogenes aka group A strep - the organism that causes strep throat.

What causes a fever when you have third degree burns?

Fever is most often a sign of infection.