No, the digestive system is an organ system made up of organs, which in turn are made up of tissues.
No, the stomach is an organ within the digestive system. The digestive system is made up of multiple organs working together to digest food and absorb nutrients.
No, the digestive system is an organ system made up of organs, which in turn are made up of tissues.
Cell make up tissues,tissues make up organs and organs make up organ systems, and organ systems make a whole organism
An organ system is more complex than an organ because it is made up of multiple organs working together to perform a specific function. Organs are individual structures that make up an organ system, each with its own specific role.
the skeletal system, lymph system, circulatory system, the muscle system, digestive system, respiratory system, the excretory system, reproductive system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system are the nine Major organs that make up the human system.
what organs make up the immune system
The liver is an organ and is part of the digestive organ system
No. The digestive tract consists of the tube that makes up the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. The pancreas (and liver) are accessory organs which, along with the digestive tract, make up the digestive system.
All the organ systems in the body make up an organism.
i) glands; ii) organs; and iii) tissues -
The gizzard belongs to the digestive system of birds. It plays a key role in helping birds break down food by grinding it up with the help of small stones or grit they ingest.