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Q: Which of these is part of lymphatic system?
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Is the thoracic duct part of the immune system?

Thoracic duct is a part of Lymphatic System.

Does the lymphatic system have elastin fibers?

No, elastin is a connective tissue and not considered a part of the lymphatic system.

What organ system are the lymph glands in?

The thymus is part of the Lymphatic system

What body system includes tonsils spleen and thymus are part of the?

The lymphatic system includes the tonsils, spleen, and thymus. These organs work together to help the body fight infection and maintain fluid balance.

What system is the lacteals a part of?

The lacteals are part of the lymphatic system. They are specialized lymphatic vessels located in the small intestine that are responsible for absorbing dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins into the lymphatic system.

Why is the spleen not mentioned as a part of the digestive system?

The spleen is part of the lymphatic system.

What is the circulatory system part of?

Cardiovascular & Lymphatic

What body system includes lymph nodes?

The lymph and lymphatics are apart of the Immune system.

What system are lymph nodes and special vessels part of?

The Lymphatic System.

Which part of the body is part of the lymphatic and immune system?

lymph nodes

What area of the lymphatic organs is also part of the skeletal system?

The bone marrow is both a lymphatic organ and part of the skeletal system. It is responsible for producing blood cells, including lymphocytes that play a key role in the immune system.

Is the thyroid part of the lymphatic system?

No, the trachea is part of the respiratory system.