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Of all the times you may have heard this, becoming bulimic is not a good thing. I am not trying to be a member of society just trying to make you look better either, Bulimia ravages people's bodies and organs.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Most bulimics will purge their food by vomiting or with laxative abuse.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

People with bulimia use two methods to purge food from the body-self induced vomiting and laxative abuse.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Most bulimics throw up their food or use laxatives.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

puke, use laxatives

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Vomiting and laxatives

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Q: Which of the follwing methods people with bulimia might use to purge food?
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What kind of different methods are used to help those with bulimia?

Bulimia nervosa can be helped in many different ways. There are many psychotherapies, nutrition therapies and even supportive therapies such as yoga or movement therapy. If the condition is more serious a doctor might prescribe prescription drugs.

What are the charateristices of bulimia nervosa?

Usually the people that develop bulimia are people that are used to throwing up and going to the bathroom( which, hopefully, most people are,). They also might have easy access to a lot of pills. Most people who get bulimia aren't very happy with themselves and they think that they have a weird body shape.

How do you overcome bulimia?

Bulimia is a dangerous and sometimes fetal eating disorder. If you or a friend has it, tell an adult IMMEDIATELY! They can help you or your friend overcome bulimia. And it is your friend who has bulimia and you are scared that if you tell she will be mad, don't be. she might be mad now but she will thank you later.

Why might a sociologist study bulimia and anorexia?

They are eating disorders that impact the health of a society.

Why do i want to throw up after i eat?

Yes. That is a sign of the dangerous (and potentially fatal) eating disorder known as bulimia.

Can you have bulimia without trying or forcing yourself to vomit?

I believe so. Suffering from bulimia, as far as I understand, equals binging (eating more than what is considered normal in a short amount of time) and afterwards trying to one way or another purge what has been eaten. Purging can mean throwing up, but could also mean other methods of ridding the body of food. Exercising excessively to get rid of the calories consumed or abusing laxatives are a few other methods of purging which a bulimic might use instead of puking.

What are 5 methods anorexia people might use to lose weight?

Fasting, exercising, restricting calories, taking diet pills, and purging food are common methods.

What describes the relationship between bulimia and dieting?

Bulimia nervosa is not dieting and in fact will only make a person sick (literally as well as figuratively). People purge their food through vomiting and laxatives because they think it will make them lose weight, but actually they might gain weight because in order to be considered bulimic a person must be taking in 20,000-40,000 calories in one sitting and purging them through different methods. If the person is just throwing up their dinner then I would say they are probably anorexic or depressed.

Help Ive been puking for almost 2 months now im not sick with the flu dont know whats wrong... am i anorexic i cant keep my food down and i cant eat?

might be bulimia. you might have that weird condition where your tubes are all switched so instead of crapping, you throw up your food. but id say bulimia.

Why do people encourage eating disorder behaviour?

No one directly encourages anorexia nervosa or bulimia, however, when people frequently say: "you can't be too rich or too thin", when the media publicizes those people who have lost a great deal of weight. when very thin figure models are considered the ideal weight to be, then people might get the idea that being extremely thin is the way to be and this might lead to an eating disorder.

What are the health risks of bulimia?

i have a cousin who was bulimic and it might be different for other people, but she had more psychological side effects than physical...she ripped her hair out and is really antsy all the time...she went to the hospital for a while and is getting better, but it will take a while for her to recover

What methods did the us use to gain land in pacific?

the methods they might use is to go to war and fight for the land