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direct pressure

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Q: Which of the following is the first and most effective method to control bleeding?
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If the eyelid is lacerated but the eyeball is not what is the best method to control bleeding?

control the bleeding by the application of a pressure dressing.

You've attempted to use several methods to control an accident victim's external bleeding Which of the following is the last method to be used when you need to stop the bleeding?

Combat application tourniquet (CAT)

If I choose to take birth control, what can the possible side effects be?

Birth control is an effective yet not 100% foolproof contraceptive method. While effective, it does have some side effects including nausea, breakthrough bleeding, breast tenderness, decreased libido and possibly mood swings.

What is the most effective weed control method?

There are many effective weed control methods. The most effective weed control method is the act of mowing. One can purchase a mower at popular stores such as Lowe's and Home Depot.

In withdrawal bleeding is clotting common?

No. Withdrawal is NOT a safe method of birth control, and the bleeding needs to be checked out by your doctor.

When does Mirena become effective?

If started within the first seven days of menstrual bleeding, no back up method is needed - it's immediately effective. If started at any other time in the menstrual cycle, use a back up method for seven days. If you're switching from the shot, implant, or a birth control pill, continue the hormonal birth control method for seven days if you're not in the first five days of menstrual bleeding. If you're starting on the day of an in-clinic suction abortion, no backup is needed.

The first method used to control external bleeding should be?

pressure point

You have been using the extended NuvaRing skip-period-regimen for almost 9 weeks now but you have started bleeding a bit just wondering if the birth control is still as effective if you are spotting?

Spotting while skipping periods with birth control is a common complaint. It is not a sign that the method is less effective.

How do you stop bleeding from the scrotum?

Direct pressure is the best method. If you can't control the bleeding this way, medical intervention is required.

How long is birth control effective after stopping?

That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant when taking birth control?

No method of birth control is 100% effective.

Is birth control pill is the most common and most effective birth control method?
