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Q: Which of the following is always caused by a virus?
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What is always caused by a virus?

No diseases can also be caused by bacteria, amebas and fungi

What diseases is always caused by a virus?

No diseases can also be caused by bacteria, amebas and fungi

Flu epidemic of 1918 more bacterial or a virus?

Flu is always caused a virus, not bacteria, so no flu epidemic will be due to a bacterial agent. This is true of the 1918 "Spanish Flu", it was caused by a virus.

What is the term that describes an eruption of vesicles following the course of a nerve caused by herpes zoster virus?


Is mumps a virus bacteria or fungus?

Mumps is caused by a virus, specifically the mumps virus. It is not caused by bacteria or fungus.

Can a plantar wart recur after 30 years?

yes! the warts are caused by a virus, and once exsposed to a virus you will always carry it. the wart virus can show it's effects at any time.

Is smallpox virus or bacteria?

Smallpox was a virus.

Is a bacterial infection caused by a virus?

No, a bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria and therefore can be easily cured with medicine and is sometimes communicable (can be caught), whereas a viral infection is caused by a virus and is always communicable. A virus cannot be cured but only the symptoms can be treated, major virus' are usually prevented by a vaccine which is a dead or weakened strain of the virus injected into the blood stream allowing the immune system to recognize the virus if it were ever to unintentionally enter the body.

What disease is caused by an RNA virus?

Rabies is caused by RNA virus.

Is toxoplasmosis a virus?

No, toxoplasmosis is not caused by a virus. It is a disease caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.

What can cause inflammation bacteria viral or fungus in the cornea?

Theoretically, it could be caused by any one of the three, but in fact, it is almost always caused by a virus.

Are Measles caused by a virus or bacterium?

Measles is caused by a virus called the measles virus, specifically the measles morbillivirus. It is a highly contagious virus that spreads through respiratory droplets from an infected person.