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unusual behavior, abnormal mental state, and sudden collapse

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Q: Which of the following are signs of heart stroke?
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What following type of cardiovascular disease?

heart attack Atherosclerosis Stroke Hypertension

Which of the following would cause the greatest increase in cardiac output?

Increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

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What are some signs of stroke in women?

Common signs of stroke are the following: Numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Trouble walking Dizziness or loss of balance Confusion or trouble talking or understanding speech Bad headache with no known cause Common signs of stroke unique to women are the following: Face and arm or leg pain Hiccups Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) Tiredness Chest pain Shortness of breath Pounding or racing heartbeat If you think yourself or others are having a stroke, call 911.

Is dizziness and nausea signs of an impending heart attack?

Yes sweating and nausea and dizziness can be a sign of a stroke or heart problem in people . Here are some sites that can help you out with this

Where can one free tips on the different types of stroke treatment available?

One is able to get free tips on the different types of stroke treatment available at several different online locations including the following: Web MD, Know Your Signs, and Stroke Association.

What are similarities between a heart attack and a stroke?

A heart attack will not cause a person to have slurred speech or facial drooping which are tell-tale signs a stroke is happening. Usually a Heart attack is indicated by pain in the chest and upper shoulder area. Both are life and death matters and one needs to know to recognize these indicators quickly so that 911 can be called. Every minute counts.

The following is considered to be a contributor of heart disease and stroke?

High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smoking, diabetes, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle are all considered risk factors for heart disease and stroke. By managing these risk factors through lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medical treatments, the likelihood of developing heart disease or stroke can be reduced.

When will air embolism will be symptomatic after air enters the artery?

Yes. If it lodges in the lungs, you will have signs of a pulmonary embolism. Heart=Cardiogenic/Obstructive shock. Brain=Stroke

Is memory loss a sign of a stroke?

Memory loss is not correlated with signs or pointing to a stroke. Memory loss is highly correlated with Alheizmer's disease. Signs of a stroke are loss of muscles, usually half the body.

Is the heart affected by a stroke?

possibly. If it is a serious stroke and you have already had heart related issues, than yes.

Which of the following situation(s) should prompt notification of the emergency response system?

Which of the following situation(s) should prompt notification of the emergency response system: Signs of stroke Seizure Unresponsiveness All of the above