vas deferens
below your shoulder
Intercalated discs
No. If a horse breaks one leg the other legs can't stand the added weight because there is no muscle below the knee to support the animal.
The "Subscapularis" This muscle rotates the arm medially (sub = below, scapulo = shoulderblade)
If muscle contractions use ATP at or below the maximum rate of ATP generation by mitochondria, the muscle fiber will be able to sustain the contraction for a longer period without fatigue, as the ATP production can meet the energy demands of the muscle activity.
the Vedic religion evolved and spread [APEX]
There is no difference both are highlighted and selected.
It's spelled Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) and it's a muscle relaxant used to relieve pain from muscle strains, sprains, and muscle injuries. See the link below.
The past tense of "highlight" is "highlighted."