The middle part of the deltoid abducts the shoulder, as well as shoulder abduction at the supraspinatus and biceps brachii muscles.
Abductor muscles are the muscles which cause abduction. prime example being lateral head of the shoulder abducts your arms to the side of your body. similarly you have the muscles in your lower body which abducts your legs to the sides.
abducts the arm
Moves shoulder away
acromi-deltoid (abducts humerus)
A muscle doesn't rotate the shoulder. The ligaments that connect your shoulder blade to your arm, to your rib cage all work in a ball and socket type of way allowing you to rotate your arm 360o.
The deltoid abducts the arm through a second-class lever system. In this system, the resistance (arm) is between the force (deltoid muscle) and the fulcrum (shoulder joint). This configuration allows for greater force output with less effort.
Biceps or triceps
Quadriceps muscles
The supraspinatus muscle is one of the four muscles of the rotator cuff in the shoulder. Its main function is to assist in the abduction (lifting away from the body) of the arm at the shoulder joint. It also helps to stabilize the shoulder joint during arm movements.
kinda obvious... abductor digiti minimi
The inferior oblique muscle of the eye, abducts, elevates and laterally rotates the eye