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It may be symptoms of Bipolar disorder but only a professional can diagnose this. Talk to your regular doctor and he can send you to a mental health clinic if necessary.

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Bipolar Disorder

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Q: Which mental disorder is characterized by extreme shifts in a persons mood and level of energy?
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What does bipopular mean?

"Bipolar" refers to a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings from high energy or mania to low energy or depression. It is a serious disorder that requires proper medical treatment and support.

What is a mental disorder that is characterized by states of energy and euphoria alternating with feeding of utter despair?


What mental disorder is characterized by unusual shifts in mood emotion energy and the ability to function?

Bipolar is characterized by unusual shifts in mood from very good (manic) to depressed.

What is the scientific name for a persons mood affected by the weather?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of mood disorder that is influenced by the changing seasons and weather patterns. It is characterized by symptoms of depression and low energy levels that typically occur during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight.

What is the difference between manic and major depression?

Major depression is also known as unipolar. That means there is only one extreme; that of extreme lows. Manic depression is known as bipolar disorder (manic depression is the old name). This has two extremes; periods of extreme depression and extreme elation.

What does it mean when you are bi-polar?

To be bi-polar simply means to have mood swings, something like a pendulum. A pendulum moves from one extreme to the other in a swinging motion. Consequently, bi-polar works by the same principle. You may be extremely jubilant and energetic for a period of time. The other extreme is you may fall into a sad or depressed mood for a period of time. Not unlike a yo-yo, up and down. It was also known as manic-depressive disorder. Manic when 'high' and depressive when low.Bipolar describes a disorder characterized by both manic and depressive episodes.

What are the common symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Common symptoms of the bipolar disorder are mania, depression and the switch between both of them. Some people have frequent mood disruptions while others experience only a few over a lifetime.

Name one nutritional disorder found in children caused by a deficiency of protein and energy in the diet?

Kwashiorkor is a nutritional disorder found in children caused by a deficiency of protein and energy in the diet. It is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, poor growth, and a distended belly.

Which is the description for a mood discorder?

A mood disorder is a mental health condition characterized by persistent changes in mood, such as depression or mania. These mood changes can significantly impact a person's emotional state, energy levels, and daily functioning. Mood disorders include conditions like major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder.

What is the disease known as bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). These mood swings can affect a person's energy levels, behavior, and ability to think clearly. Treatment typically involves a combination of medications and therapy to help manage symptoms.

Is Bipolar a disease?

Yes and no - bipolar disorder is a mental disorder because it is a chemical imbalance within the brain which causes mood swings. However, you might consider it a physical disorder because it does have specific physical symptoms such as extreme tiredness alternating with periods of extreme energy, and risky behavior during certain times. Most doctors consider it to be a mental disorder.

When does mania typically occur?

Mania typically occurs in individuals with bipolar disorder and is characterized by a distinct period of elevated mood, increased energy, and impulsivity. It often alternates with episodes of depression. Manic episodes can last for days to weeks and may require treatment to manage symptoms.