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Actually, I am referencing the site monkeys, rabbits and mice are also listed, though armadillos have endured the most in animal testing.

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10y ago

Qualifying it as a zoonosis, "naturally acquired" leprosy (caused by the bacteria "Mycobacterium leprae" and "Mycobacterium lepromatosis") has been reported in populations of the wild nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), three species of non-human primates (chimpanzees [Pan troglodytes], sooty mangabey monkeys [Cercocebus atys], and cynomolgus macaques [Macaca fascicularis], as well as humans.

"Naturally acquired" murine leprosy has been reported in rats, mice, and cats, but not in humans or any other species, so it does not qualify as a zoonosis.

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An armidillo; is the only one in North America

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13y ago

The latest research out indicates that armadillos can carry the causative agent of leprosy and transmit it to humans.

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Q: Which is the only animal other than human that can contract leprosy?
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How do you get leprosy?

It is caused by a bacteria (a rod-shaped bacillus) called Mycobacterium leprae and is spread by airborne droplets such as when someone coughs or sneezes. It appears possible that humans can contract the disease from armadillos as well.Leprosy (Hansen's disease) primarily attacks nerve cells, although the external skin lesions are the defining symptom. Besides humans, the other mammals that can contract leprosy are the chimpanzee, some monkey species, and the armadillo.

How does the body react to leprosy?

Some people are genetically resistant to leprosy, probably and no matter what, they do not get leprosy. Other with tuberculous type of leprosy have high resistance to leprosy. Those with lepromatous type of leprosy have least resistance to leprosy germs. The intermediate leprosy type have intermediate resistance to leprosy germs. Body reacts to leprosy by trying to kill the leprosy causing germs. There is an inflammatory response.

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Probably leprosy. I mean, I think Lupus is a kind of cancer. Leprosy on the other hand, I've seen pics of people with this disease and it's just absolutely horrific.

Do armadillos carry leprosy?

Yes. They are the only mammals besides Man known to be able to carry the leprosy virus. Recent research indicates that armadillos and human victims of leprosy are the only ones to naturally share a particular bacterium that can cause leprosy. Interestingly, not all species of armadillos seem to carry the virus. People in Texas and other southern U.S. States have been infected with the disease as a result of handling of nine-banded armadillos. This has not occurred whe people have handled the five-banded armadillo.

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