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D. Lungs

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Q: Which is not involved in digestion waste removal or reproduction?
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Which is not involved in digestion waste removal or reproductio?

Reproduction is not directly involved in digestion or waste removal. Reproduction is a separate physiological process that involves the production of offspring.

What are the operations of a chickens body?

A chicken's body performs various operations such as digestion, respiration, circulation (blood flow), excretion (waste removal), and reproduction. These processes allow chickens to survive, grow, and reproduce.

What term doesnt belong nucleus lysosomes nucleolus DNA chromatin?

Lysosomes do not belong because they are cellular organelles involved in digestion and waste removal, while the others are all components of the cell's nucleus involved in genetic information storage and processing.

Living thing remove waste from their body by the process of?

Many people confuse the process of excretion with the removal of waste products of digestion. Excretion, however, is actually the removal of all the waste products produced by the cells of the body.

Are lysosomes role in metabolism excretion?

Lysosomes are not directly involved in metabolism. They primarily function in digestion and waste removal within cells by breaking down unwanted materials, such as cellular debris or foreign particles, into simpler components for recycling or excretion. Metabolism involves a series of chemical reactions that occur in organelles like the mitochondria, not in lysosomes.

What stores water and waste inside the cell?

The vacuole is responsible for storing water, nutrients, and waste inside a cell. It helps maintain cell structure and turgor pressure, and plays a role in intracellular digestion and waste removal.

What is the fourth step of the digestive system?

The second step in digestion is your food going into your esophagus and traveling down into your stomach.

What is the difference between digestioningestionand egestion?

Digestion is the process of breaking down food in the body to extract nutrients. Ingestion is the act of taking food into the mouth. Egestion is the removal of undigested waste material from the body through the anus.

What part of the cell stores wastes water or food?

The vacuoles in the cell store the water, food, and waste.

Removal of waste products in the body is called?

The removal of waste products from the body is called excretion

What are the eight organelles and their functions?

Nucleus - contains genetic material and controls cell activities. Mitochondria - produces energy through cellular respiration. Chloroplasts - site of photosynthesis in plant cells. Endoplasmic reticulum - involved in protein and lipid synthesis. Golgi apparatus - packages and distributes proteins. Lysosomes - contain enzymes for digestion and waste removal. Vacuoles - store water, nutrients, and waste products. Ribosomes - involved in protein synthesis.

What does the vacuole supply?

In the cell, the vacuole is used for storage, digestion and waste removal. The vacuole doesn't supply anything, instead it stores food, water, wastes, and other materials until the cell needs them.