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Anything manufactured by Apple!

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Q: Which is not essential to survival?
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Is killing the pig essential to the survival of the group?

No, killing the pig is not essential to the survival of the group. There are other ways to obtain food and resources for survival without harming animals.

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How are volcanoes essential to earths survival?

However, volcanoes are essential to earths survival they act like a safety valve for the planet (it releases pressure)

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Why is reproductive essential?

to ensure the survival of a species.

Which of the following is an item that is essential to survival?

a need

What are three rights that you consider essential to human survival (the basic necessities)?

Three basic necessities that are essential to human survival are food, shelter and water

Why is Reproduction is not essential for the survival of an individual organism but is essential for the survival of the what?

Reproduction is essential for the survival of a species because it ensures the continuation of the genetic line and prevents extinction. While an individual organism may survive without reproducing, if a species as a whole did not reproduce, it would eventually die out.

Is zinc essential for human survival?

Yes. zinc is an essential element for human survival. There are so many enzymes there is your body, which have got zinc as essential component. You may or may not need to take extra supplement of the zinc in your diet. There are other trace elements that are there, which are essential for the survival of the human being. Most of them are placed before and after the Iron in periodic table.

When is food important for the body?

Always. It's essential for survival