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ciprofloxacin would be an inappropriate treatment for acne, especially if used chronically---it is too broad spectrum and could cause all kinds of problems; it can even cause tendon ruptures with long term usage. Keflex would be a better choice, and is rather benign, but minocycline is the treatment of choice for acne.

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Q: Which is better for acne keflex or ciprofloxacin?
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Can ciprofloxacin cause acne?

Ciprofloxacin is a tablet if it doesnt suites you there may be a chance to Cause of Acne Acne can be caused due to many reasons it is mostly found in Youngsters i have recently visited a site where i found many treatments on Acne

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Acute bronchitis is usually viral, and does not get better faster with antibiotics.

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Keflex (cephalexin) is widely recognized as an effective antibiotic treatment for streptococcus infection. Check with your doctor for details.

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keflex) is a cephalosporin not in the penicillin family. They do have cross reactions so someone who is allergic to penicillins needs to be more careful and watch for signs of allergic reaction esp if it is given IV. I am allergic to penicillin but not to keflex.

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