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It's subjective of course, some people would prefer hearing and others would prefer seeing.

Helen Keller who suffered from both conditions said that being deaf was more of a hindrance than being blind.

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13y ago

I think they are both hard in a way death people have to learn sign language just so that they can talk and the people around them have to learn it to so that they can understand what the death person is trying to say, and so they can also talk back to the person That's death. with a blind person they have to learn how to feel to read, they have to, they also have to find there way by using a special stick. in my opinion blind people have it a little harder than Deaf people but they both do have it hard in different aspects.

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13y ago

Hard to say both are terrible to contemplate. However, the eyes have the widest bandwidth connection to the brain and therefore must process the greater amount of information of the two. For this reason I would say that to be blind is worse.

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If you are interested in learning about Deaf culture, I would suggest getting involved in your local Deaf community. There is nobody better qualified to help you understand Deaf Culture that a Deaf person!