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The only long head of the triceps is related to the moment of glenohumeral joint. This glenohumeral joint is more commonly called as shoulder joint. Whether this long head of the triceps is stretched or not, can not be commented.

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Q: Which head of the triceps brachia will be stretched if the glenohumeral joint is flexed?
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It depends on your position and if you are moving with or against gravity. If you are standing up right in anatomical position, and elbow extension is occurring after elbow flexion, then it is eccentric. When the elbow is moving into extension from flexion, it is moving downwards with the force of gravity. In order for this motion to occur, the biceps brachii has to lengthen, and the triceps brachii has to relax. The biceps brachii therefore is your primary mover. If elbow extension were occurring against the force of gravity (imagine your shoulder is flexed to 180 and your elbow is flexed, and you want to move it into extension while your shoulder is still flexed at 180), then it would be a concentric contraction and your primary mover would be your triceps brachii as it would be shortening to complete the motion. The biceps brachii would be your antagonist and it would be relaxing to allow the triceps to do its work. concentric= muscle shortening eccentric= muscle lengthening I hope this helps. I'm an OT student and this has been drilled into me.

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Does the flexed arm hang determine flexibility?
