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The flu. One of the side affects of flu can be death.

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Q: Which has worst side effects the flu or the flu vaccine?
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What are some potential side effects of the flu vaccine?

The simple truth is that any vaccine can cause side effects, but they are usually minor. The most common side effects from the flu vaccine are soreness, redness, pain and swelling of the injection site, fever and malaise.

What side effect are you going to get after 3 years of having Swine Flu vaccinations?

You likely won't be able to get swine flu. As for any bad side effects, there are very few untoward side effects from flu vaccines. They have been proven safe and effective over decades of use of vaccines made in the same way with mostly all the same ingredients (with only the virus contained in the vaccines varying from year to year with each seasonal flu vaccine). Usually only a severe allergy to an ingredient in the vaccine is a serious side effect in these vaccines.

What is the likelihood of getting swine flu vs the likely hood of side effects of a relatively untested vaccine like pandemrix for a 4 year old child as data on this age group is very limited?

i hear of lots of people who get it even though they got the vaccine.... the side effects are crazy ... i won't take it

How long to wait between flu vaccine and shingles vaccine?

interval- flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine

What kind of side effects you will have if you never had a flu shot?

you will get the flu

Can flu vaccine be given at the same time as the varicella vaccine?

Yes, you can get flu vaccine and varicella vaccine at the same time.

According to What a Bad Flu Season Could Cost the US Economy who benefits from a bad flu season?

Yearly flu outbreak’s have a negative affect on the US economy

Can the Swine Flu vaccine give you cancer?

Each individual may react differently to anything injected into their bodies and a triggering of cancer cell development is not impossible, however it would be very unlikely. Research of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) tracks the side effects and untoward reactions to the vaccines such as the swine flu vaccine. There are very few reports of problems that have been proven to be due to the vaccine, and none I could find of cancer development. The vaccine for swine flu was made exactly like flu vaccines have been made for decades and they have proven to be very safe. See the link below for the VAERS web page.

Is Audit a type of flu?

Not that research turns up. The flu pandemic and epidemics are audited (reviewed) by various scientists for different reasons. The vaccine use and side effects/adverse reactions are monitored through case audits, and etc., but "Audit" as a type of flu is not located, at least in the English language.

Avian flu vaccine?

Q-pan is the approved vaccine for Avian Flu or H5N1.

When can you stop flu shots?

The flu vaccine is recommended for children and the elderly but nobody is forced to get it. Whether or not to get a flu vaccine is a personal choice.

how long do flu shot side eddects last?

The duration of flu shot side effects varies from person to another.