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Q: Which groups are at risk for fluid imbalance?
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Pain related to Biliary spasm, Risk for fluid volume deficit and electrolyte imbalance related to Nausea and vomiting

Most reliable index of volume status when caring for a patient with a fluid imbalance?

Urine output

What is muscle imbalance?

Muscle imbalance refers to an unequal distribution of strength or flexibility between opposing muscle groups surrounding a joint. This imbalance can lead to poor posture, reduced range of motion, and an increased risk of injury. It can be addressed through targeted exercises to strengthen the weaker muscles and stretch the tighter ones.

What is the purpose of intake and output records?

Type your answer here... to monitor fluid balance in the body or electrolytes imbalance

What does edema do?

In edema, either too much fluid moves from the blood vessels into the tissues, or not enough fluid moves from the tissues back into the blood vessels. This fluid imbalance can cause mild to severe swelling

The condition that result when excessive sodium creates a fluid imbalance with resulting bloating of the body is known as?

Hypernatremic hypervolemia.

What is minions disease?

Meniere's disease is caused by an imbalance in the fluid located in the inner ear. It causes dizziness and vertigo.

How many groups of 16 fluid ounces are in 4 gallons?

32 groups

Does the thyroid have anything to do with B12 levels?

In looking at populations, some of the same groups at risk of Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the same groups at risk for pernicious anemia. There may be a common mechanism underlying this shared risk factor.

What patient is most at risk for fluid overload?


Two groups of people who are at risk for malnutrition in the US?


What is the shift of intravascular fluid to the interstitial space called?

The shift of intravascular fluid to the interstitial space is called extravasation or leakage. This can occur due to various factors such as inflammation, increased capillary permeability, or imbalance in hydrostatic pressure.