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WOMEN! Women are 4 times more likely than men to develop a bunion. Heredity, injury, and mechnical forces applied to the forefoot and toes..courtesy of western foot fashion...are the culprit.

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Q: Which gender gets bunions more?
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Where can one inform about bunions on feet?

If one has an issue with bunions on their own feet, then it would be advised to go to a doctor to get more information about bunions specific to the person. If one is looking for more general information then one can go to the NHS and Bupa websites.

What are bunions?

Bunions are bones growning out of your feet

Can bunions cause leg pain?

Yes, they can.

Why do more women develop bunions than men?

This forefoot deformity is seen more often in women than men. The higher frequency in females may be related to the strong link between footwear fashion and bunions.

How do you use Bunions in a sentence?

Bunions on the feet can be very painful, and frequently are treated with surgery.

Does shannon elizabeth have bunions?

MASSIVE ones! The poor girl is virtually crippled with painful bunions

Who gets more jealous guys or girls?

There isn't one gender which really gets jealous more. People tend to stereotype women as being more jealous, but it's something that depends on the individual.

What are common symptoms of bunions?

Symptoms of bunions include the common signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and pain.

Does soul change into a girl?

Soul does not have any gender..... its the body that it gets into that has a gender

How do you get rid bunions?


Can a foot specialist help bunions?

Yes, a foot specialist can help bunions. They are qualifies to handle all sorts of foot problems and can take care of your bunions. Besides treatment, they can also offer preventative advice.