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Q: Which gastric enzymes digest proteins?
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What Gastric juice digest proteins?

There are two things in gastric juices, Pepsin and hydrochloric acid. If one is alone, it would not do any digestion of proteins. But together, they can digest proteins.

What do pancreatic enzymes digest?

The pancreatic enzymes amylase, trypsin and lipase digest proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates and starches.

How does lysosome function?

lysosomes produce powerful enzymes which digest proteins

Why are gastric juices important?

Gastric juices are important because they contain digestive enzymes such as pepsin and hydrochloric acid that break down food in the stomach. These juices help in the process of digestion by breaking down proteins, killing bacteria, and providing an acidic environment that activates digestive enzymes. This helps the body absorb nutrients and maintain proper gastrointestinal health.

What is proteins enzyme?

All enzymes are chemically proteins. but not all proteins are enzymes. Enzymatic proteins catalyse the biochemical conversion of substrate in to product. Good example is amylase that digest starch or glycogen to produce glucose.

What does gastric acid do in digestion?

Gastric acid, mainly hydrochloric acid, helps break down food in the stomach by creating an acidic environment that activates digestive enzymes and kills harmful pathogens. It also assists in the breakdown of proteins into smaller molecules that can be absorbed in the small intestine.

What are enzymes inside of cells called?

Enzymes are proteins, which are comprised of chains of amino acids. All enzymes are proteins (but not all proteins are enzymes)

What organ produces enzymes that help digest proteins fats and carbohydrates?

the salivery gland secretes saliva which contains an enzyme called amylase which reacts on carbohydrate to produce glucose.digestion of protien begins in the stomach which secrets gastric juice.fats are also digested by enzymes produced in the pancreas and the liver.

What do proteins digest?

Proteins are digested into amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. These amino acids are then absorbed by the body and used for various functions such as repairing tissues, building muscle, and producing enzymes and hormones.

Chemical digestion is possible because of certain kinds of proteins called what?

The answer would be "Enzymes".The key digesting enzymes include lipases (for lipids), proteases (for proteins). Other enzymes important is amylases, which digest certain types of sugars.

What is the liquid food is mixed into when it is in the stomach?

The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which mixes with the food we swallow. In the HCl enzymes are located to digest proteins. Some hormones are also found there to regulate the pH of the gastric juice.

What secretes enzymes that digest carbohydrates proteins lipids and nucleic acids?

The pancreas secretes enzymes that aid in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. These enzymes are released into the small intestine to help break down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.